Module 1: Information Security Roles Security Control and Framework Types
Module 2: Explain Threat Actor Types, Attack Vectors, and Intelligence Sources
Module 3: Organizational Security, Network Reconnaissance, General Vulnerability Types, Penetration Testing
Module 4: Social Engineering, Indicators of Malware Attacks
Module 5: Cryptography
Module 6: Certificates and PKI
Module 7: Authentication
Module 8: Identity and Accounts, Authorization, Personnel Polices
Module 9: Network Design and Hardware (Part 1)
Module 10: Network Hardware (Part 2)
Module 11: Network Protocols
Module 12: Endpoint Security
Module 13: Mobile Devices
Module 14: Indicators of Attacks, Intro to Secure Coding, Scripting, Deployment and Automation
Module 15: Secure Coding, Scripting, Deployment, Cloud and Virtualization
Module 16: Privacy and Data Protection
Module 17: Incident Response
Module 18: Forensics
Module 19: Risk Management and Business Impact Analysis
Module 20: Redundancy and Backup Strategies
Module 21: Physical Security
Module 22: Afterword